DJ Premier Blog » Blog Archive » NYGz – Ready (Radio Rip)

NYGz – Ready (Radio Rip)

Like I said: NYGz weekend on DJPremierBlog! DJ Premier talked about this record before, it was the beat that 50 Cent rejected but then suddenly used as a loop due to fans request called “Shut Ur Bloodclot Mouth“. When 50 Cent rejected the beat Preem gave it to NYGz for their upcoming album. Now we have the full version of the track and it’s fiiiiiiiire. Lol, you could use 50 cent part and add it on the track, then you have NYGz featuring 50 Cent, yeaaaaaaaaah!! I should do PR. And do you remember me saying it would be dope to have a track with the full Year Round Records roster (I wroted it in the comments)? Well, that track is in the making and is going to be released on “Pros N Cons“, and each artist will have a different beat yaya! Even Shabeeno and Panchi! WORD! Now enjoy the second leak of “Pros N Cons” “Ready“:

NYGz – Ready (Radio Rip)

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